The hygiene tip is to wash your medical mask. A good rule of thumb when it comes to avoiding mask acne is that your mask should be washed after each wear. It is safer for you from a health perspective AND a skincare standpoint. It is straightforward for your cloth face mask to become filthy. This is because the beauty products on your face moisturizers and cosmetic beauty products such as makeup, SPF Sunscreen, Lipsticks, and sweat accumulate on the cloth.
Being outside, you will be faced with the usual pollen, dirt, pollution. These things will adhere to your medical facemask. Therefore, it is recommended that you wear a cloth mask to hand wash your mask in the sink after you remove it. Let it air dry and have another washable mask in your rotation to wear in the meantime. Using a mild, fragrance-free detergent to wash your mask is best if you want to avoid mask acne, skin irritation, or skin redness.
Recommended Facial Cleansing wipes
It is also essential to have a product such as face wipes on you when you are out and about. Face wipes are key to keeping your skin as clean as possible when you take off your mask. It is essential not to find a sink that you use face wipes to cleanse your skin. This will assist in clearing the dirt and pollution from your skin when you cannot wash your face during the day.
Recommended Facial wipes?
Rodan and Fields ESSENTIALS Instant Makeup Remover Wipes
Rodan and Fields instant makeup remover wipes are perfect for cleaning your skin after a day of running errands, exercise or going to and from work in your mask. They are ultra-soft and gently remove cosmetics such as long-wearing makeup, as well as dirt and oil in just a few swipes. These wipes are formulated to prepare skin for your R+F program | routine and work well even for sensitive skin.
Washing your face daily with a non-drying cleanser
I highly recommend using a gentle facial cleanser to clean your skin from the makeup, sunscreen, and sweat built up under the mask. You already know the importance of hygiene, keeping your hands clean, and washing them often (for at least 20 seconds). In addition to using hand sanitiser regular. | Photo by Jade Fetterolf |
Using moisturizing face wipes during the day, then a cleanser at the end of the day.
If you’re home and you will not be going out the rest of the day and have done your daily exercise and are now home for the evening, it’s a good idea to wash your face with a good cleanser. If you want to address acne, lathering up with Rodan and Fields UNBLEMISH Refining Acne Wash,