Personal Brand Consultant + Agency

Personal Brand The 12 Principles

Personal Brand Consultant

Building your personal brand can be an ambitious and profound project for you to start. And wanting to know where to start is one of the top things you might get stuck on.

One of the world’s most successful producers in Hollywood. Shonda Lynn Rhimes, the producer of “Greys Anatomy”, “Scandal”, and “Private Practice” started by going through many career variations on her way to being a big-time producer who is now working with Netflix. Shondra started her career as an unemployed screenwriter. So as a Personal Brand Consultant, here are my Pro Tips.

Look at our year that has been 2020, and the evolving labour market. I had an epiphany when I read the LinkedIn Study by their Senior Editor for Job Search & Careers at LinkedIn News. It highlighted that with the labour market being competitive that it was essential for individuals to stand out. Personal branding strategy is anything other than a vanity project; this is part of your business development.

How to succeed in business? A personal brand is for virtually everyone, from those who want to know how to Market their Business to those who want to get hired.   

Personal Brand Consultant
" I’m very picky with whom I give my energy to. I prefer to reserve my time, intensity and spirit exclusively to those who reflect sincerity. "
Tommy Rivers
UI / UX Designer
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Pro Tips - Personal Branding

Pro Tip 1 | Personal Brand Consultant – Have a point of focus.

“All of us need to understand the importance of Branding. We are CEOs of our own companies: Me Inc. To be in business today, our most important job is to be head marketer for the brand called You.” TOM PETERS IN FAST COMPANY

The critical focus is at the other end of the track: this is your most significant opportunity to become a free agent in a free agent economy, looking to have the most outstanding season in your professional career. You can visualise yourself on the mound, about to hit that remarkable home run in building your micro equivalent of an Apple or brand yourself like Gary Vee.

When you can “Focus” on one message at a time, you shape your message at your targeted demographic, making it much easier for you to create content around your personal brand.

If you do, you’ll not only be able to take advantage of opportunities within your reach. As a result, you’ll not only make a notable contribution to your future success, but you’ll also position yourself in a better negotiating spot for the free-agency market next season.

When done strategically, your brand becomes an invisible force.” ― Cheryl Pullins, What Every Diva Must Know about Starting Their Own Business: How to Build a Stellar Brand from Scratch.

Niche Down, people! There’s a temptation to want to write general material when it comes to a niche industry. However, you can do the worst thing instead of being a generalist to attract a wider audience, niche-down, and more specific.

“Why? Since the narrower the topic, the less research it will take,’ writes digital marketer Neil Patel. If you’re new to a profession, you don’t want to wade through mountains of data. Instead, you want to remain focused, to stay tight, and to go deep.

You will notice that you have a keen understanding of the industry as a whole after you’ve explored certain specific topics. As a result, you will have greater authority. Then you can then zoom right out to touch on broader subjects.

Personal Branding Pro Tip 1

Pro Tips - Personal Branding


Personal Brand Consultant

Pro Tip 2 | Persona Brand Consultant – Be positive

A positive brand presence on social media can transform and contribute to a career.

In a leader, likability counts more than every other attribute. It’s not that a competent leader’s other aspects are not relevant; they are. Yet, there is a fair risk that if a leader is not likeable, the leadership bundle’s bulk will go overlooked or unappreciated.

Likability is a set of actions that we would show. Such activities include being lively, constructive, listening, and focusing on the other person. 

Taken together, these three qualities establish an atmosphere in which we become loved and likeable. While it seems easy, we both realise it isn’t.

Positive energy is contagious. It catches on if we remain optimistic and express positive thoughts and suggestions. Then, like a blaze, it explodes. 

There is an overwhelming desire for constructive experiences, especially in 2020.

If you want to be effective, be likeable as part of your Personal Brand strategy. And it needs genuine commitment and purpose to be likeable, just as other things worth doing. It also can not be faked or manipulated. We must, as human beings, realise the difference. Your audience is intuned and recognise how they feel about you immediately.

Pro tip 3 | Personal Brand Consultant Do Not be False Or Inauthentic.

There’s an easy way to have an original personal brand: to be genuine, authentic, and be you.

In a world where we can connect to whomever we want, why would we connect to someone boring and selfish? So instead, we are going to connect to people who are interesting, walking the tight rope, and generous.” – Seth Godin.

Your personal brand experienced a tremendous growth amount once you are authentically and engagingly on Social Media.

When you try to be like someone else, you lose yourself, and on top of that, you cannot be someone else! You are what you are!”― Mehmet Murat, ildan Contemporary Turkish playwright, novelist and thinker.

Pro Tip – Personal Brand Consultant – your brand should be a comfortable daily outfit to create content to reach your audience.

And finally, “For young athletes, you become a master of your craft,” Jalen Rose said. “For me, with basketball (it was) dribble, pass, shoot. (I was) constantly in the gym, training. Your content will help magnify who you are when initially developing your personal brand,

You have gained a reputation for being an expert in your chosen profession while also magnifying the same reputation for your social networking. Your credibility alone will help you create the brand you want if you’re highly talented in one field.

Pro Tip 4 | Personal Brand Consultant – Share Your Personal Narrative.

You’ve also lost half of your future audience if your personal brand isn’t telling a story. Allen Gannett, Skyword’s chief marketing officer and The Creative Curve author,

Personal Branding is no longer about self-promotion or being a Vanity project, and it’s storytelling. We have discovered that these profound storytelling quotes will offer a touch of motivation for you while evaluating your branding strategy.

Stories are not for playwrights, film directors, and writers only. However, these quotes demonstrate a valuable platform from presidents, company managers, marketers and now to “your Brand Inc”. – Dan Schawbel.

Here is one of my favourite storytelling quotes from an icon in the arts and industry to motivate you in your pursuit to super-charge that bottom line, to show how strong narratives are.

“Storytelling is joke-telling. It knows your punchline, your ending. It knows that everything you’re saying from the first sentence to the last leads to a singular goal. And ideally confirming some truth that deepens our understanding of who we are as human beings.

“The greatest story commandment: Make me care. Please, emotionally, intellectually, aesthetically, make me care.” Andrew Stanton – Filmmaker

You want to have people care about you.

Pro Tip 5 | Personal Brand Consultant – Consistent Content.

Understanding one subject is even more straightforward if you regularly deliver content and brand voice about it. It is similar to maintaining a narrow oriented vision. That once your audience learns of you, they will expect you to have a rhythm of communication. This tempo will enable them to build a connection with the reputation of your personal brand. Your audience will become part of your inner circle.

No matter what industry you are in or are ambitiously trying to break into. Personal Brand strategy is So whether you’re creating a wild, incredibly out-there fun brand or one that’s a bit more on the conservative, the corporate side, consistency is vital.

“A great story is true. Not necessarily because it’s factual, but because it’s consistent and authentic. Consumers are too good at sniffing out inconsistencies for a marketer to get away with a story that’s just slapped on.” Seth Godin – Marketer, Author, Speaker

Pro Tip 6 | Personal Brand Consultant – Be Daring An Ready To Fail.

Failure can be transformative, yet we choose to avoid it in general – this is human nature. However, you will have disappointments and failures. Those who have risen to the top have experienced this time and time again. “If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original.” – Ken Robinson. Ken was a remarkable man who spoke openly about Education 2006 TED talk remains the most popular ever.

“The Element is about discovering yourself, and you can’t do this if you’re trapped in a compulsion to conform. You can’t be yourself in a swarm.” ― Ken Robinson, The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything.

Before the company entered the movie-making industry, concentrating solely on comic books, it is interesting that Marvel Entertainment filed for bankruptcy in 1996 with hit films such as Spiderman, The Avengers, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Its assets are worth billions of dollars with millions of followers globally, and it is also a Disney subsidiary.

Pro Tip 7 | Personal Brand Consultant – A Philosophy of Love

It might seem counterintuitive to run your Personal Brand Strategy with love. However, it is the most pragmatic way to approach your branding strategy. You are treating the people in your community like your family or tribe. If there is one word that most of us think of “family” and “LOVE”,.

Personal Branding Consultant

The director of an 80 Year study of adult development, George Vaillant, stated,’ happiness is love. Full Stop”. This study followed Harvard graduates over their lifetime and determined loving relationships as the most prominent indicator of happiness and income.

Shawn Achor, the author of The Happiness Advantage, provides us with the following statistics “When the brain is in a positive mood, sales performance increases by 31%, intellect, imagination and memory all dramatically improve”.

Pro Tip 8 |Follow a thriving model.

Branding needs to be experimental like startups are. The presence of Omnichannel allows brands to meet consumers and provide them with meaningful customer experience at all points of interaction-online and offline.

Startups are increasingly winning the omnichannel retailing game, 
prompting the need for big brands to follow suit. According to V12 Numbers, brands with omnichannel consumer engagement strategies maintain about 89 per cent of their clients compared to the 33 per cent customer retention rate for brands with a low omnichannel involvement commitment.

The presence of Omnichannel allows brands to reach your family/tribe and provide them with meaningful message delivery at any point of interaction, online and offline. You are going beyond personally leveraging social media platforms. You want to create a unified experience on your website, on Instagram, Twitter with your strategy.

Pro Tip 9 |Start from the inside out

As described earlier, one of the ways you can make it difficult for yourself in creating a personal brand is to distinguish the brand from your personal life. Although it’s doable, it’s easier to have your actual lifestyle and brand be the same when first developing a personal brand.

Regan Hillyer Entrepreneur, philanthropist and international speaker “How do you know when you are living into your true message? This is a question that clients invariably ask me. And, honestly, a top-notch, invested life and business coach at this stage will respond, “You will know.”

Sounds elusive and ethereal, and perhaps a trifle of irritation, but it is the reality. If you’re in sync with what’s going to get you out of bed every day, if you wake up and look forward to what’s going on every day, you get gratification from what’s going on, and you feel alive, so you’re going to live up to your objective.

Pro Tip 10| The Power of Word of Mouth.

The best PR is word of mouth. The development of a personal brand in the public domain is no exception to this maxim. The profound Impact Word-Of – Mouth In Marketing, as well as how to build It

According to Edelman’s 2019 survey, 63% of customers between the ages of 18 and 34 claim that they “trust what influencers say about brands far more than what brands say about themselves in their advertisement.” And empirical research has shown that “seeded” marketing campaigns — those using “seed agents or micro-influencers to discuss brands with friends and acquaintances”—may increase sales up to 18% during that campaign.

During this time of instability, confusion and concern, personal recommendations and positive word-of-mouth are more attractive than ever for brands to create trust. We are investing more time in social networking, user-generated content and favourable online reviews are important success drivers for the recovery in the new job market climate.

The Holy Grail of Branding is a credible source. Co-workers, managers recommendations and endorsement of your skills can do wonders.

Pro Tip 11 | Brandscaping

  • Get set for brandscaping. It’s a noisy world, and it’s becoming louder. 
  • To be understood in this society takes intense concentration and integrity. 
  • You’ll get lost in the noise if your message isn’t straightforward, consistent, and precise.
  • Brandscaping involves reducing the noise that distracts, weaken, or disorient.

Successful and daring personal Branding means identifying the one element you want to speak about. Then, when you have peeled away the superfluous and have niched your message, you will stick out from the crowd and be remembered.

Pro Tip 12 | Your Brand Inc

There is a growing fluidity between working with a company and working for “Your Brand INC”. Rigidity is gone as far as the entrepreneurial-intrapreneurial split is concerned. Instead, it is transforming digital communities that welcome this model.

For example,, with more than 2 million users, puts together people who work remotely with a business with developers and entrepreneurs. Employees with an entrepreneurial mentality are in demand by today’s most desirable employers. The motto you need to follow is “I am the CEO of my brand.” When you function in a corporation, think and act like an owner. Always growing and fashioning your personal brand.

Key Takeaways – Personal Brand The 12 Principles

A personal brand is a lifetime endeavour that is continuously developing and expanding. Unfortunately, some professionals who create or improve the biggest brands in Industries recognise no specific laws for building a personal brand. But these principles encourage you to take the first steps, particularly if you are beginning your brand or rebranding yourself.

Developing an excellent personal identity would not only help you become associated with your industry and regularly land work, but it may be the difference between you and your competition?

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