2. Make improving “curiosity skills” a top priority. Some people are naturally curious, while others must be taught how to be more curious. Please don’t say that people aren’t interested because they don’t care. They do not know how to be inquisitive.
“It is good to love many things for therein lies true power, and whoever loves more works much and can achieve much, and what is accomplished in love is well done.” -Vincent Van Gogh –
Courage + Strength Quotes
To love is to be courageous, and to act from love is to achieve greatness. Spend your life doing the things you enjoy, and let your passions lead you on an exciting journey.
3. Recognise and reward excellent questions and instances of “I don’t know, but I’d like to find out” as courageous leadership behaviours. The important distinction here is between trying to “be right” and wanting to “get it right.”
Curiosity + willingness to wrestle with vulnerability + practise = grounded trust. Although our biggest impediment to being courageous is armour, grounded faith is at the core of bold leadership.
“And one must recognise that bravery is not the lack of fear, but rather the courage to go forwards in the face of fear.” -Paulo Coelho – Courage + Strength Quotes.
Do not waste your time trying to overcome your fears. Instead, acknowledge them and go on your way.
***Brene Brown – Dare to Lead: Courageous Work, Tough Conversations, Whole Hearts (2018)