What is Blogging? Blogging to make money for your Business  

Blogging to make money for your Business

Blogging to make money
Blogging to make money

Blogging to make money – some people are unsure what is blogging vs a company website. Part of the misunderstanding arises from the fact that many companies use both, usually by adding a blog section to their company website.

Blogging to make money

What is blogging?

However, there are two characteristics of a blog that distinguish it from a conventional website. 

  • For starters, blogs are constantly updated. Your Company Websites can provide new information on occasion, but for the most part, they include static information that seldom changes. 
  • Second, blogs allow for reader interaction. Blogs and social media accounts often coexist because they all serve the same function of engaging an audience with each other and the content creator. Some blogs can have conversational features, but in general, a blog allows for more dialogue and interaction than a conventional website.

What is a blog?

A blog is a website that includes a variety of material and is frequently updated. The content typically takes the form of a collection of articles, but some blogs also contain videos, infographics and data visualizations. 

Many blogs serve as a place for the publication of content by anyone with an idea to share. In addition to traditional business publications, blogs include “edutainers,” “coffee table books,” and other similar non-traditional products. A blog can offer many different products in one place because it provides a low barrier of entry for new content. 

However, the content itself may not be ideal for many companies and could present challenges if the blog’s authors cannot adequately express their brand identity. A blog can be designed in many different ways.

Why are blogs important for your business?

Blogging to make money – Creating a blog is a smart marketing move but is probably not something you can complete overnight. Like any new venture, blogging takes time to develop a robust following. It helps to have a compelling idea and a flexible schedule to build an audience and market it. Some of the major benefits of blogging for your business: People it is better SEO and a customer magnet.

When people go to a blog, they aren’t visiting your site. Instead, they’re looking for a specific topic. This means that if you choose to blog about something people are looking for, they’ll be more likely to find your company website. This also means that if you are writing about a hot topic in your industry, you’ll likely attract visitors and link building that increase your site visibility.

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The Advantages Vs Disadvantage of Blogging

The Advantages Vs Disadvantage of Blogging to make money

Explained Advantages Blogging to make money

  • Good for SEO: Since search engines love new content, blogging is an excellent search engine optimization (SEO) tool. The frequency at which blogs are updated is a distinguishing feature, and that fresh content helps boost your company website’s SEO results.
  • Maintains consumer communication: Blog posts will keep your customers and clients up to date about what’s happening, inform them about new offers, and provide tips. The more often you post valuable material, the more often a customer visits your blog and, as a result, the more likely they are to spend money.
  • Builds rapport with customers: A blog not only allows you to show off what you know, thus increasing your experience and reputation, but it also allows people to post comments and connect with you. As a result, customers will get to know you this way and potentially build relationships that lead to purchases.
  • Create a secondary source of income: Successful blogs will generate revenue on their own. In addition to your product or service, blogs will generate revenue from other sources such as advertisements and affiliate products.


Blogging to make money for business is a versatile, flexible, and creative option for businesses, Startups, and women entrepreneurs.

Explained Disadvantages Blogging to make money.

  • Time-consuming: The popularity of blogging is dependent on people returning, and they only return when there is new content to read. That means that to engage readers and increase SEO, bloggers must create content at least multiple times a week.
  • It always needs new ideas: Posting many times a week won’t help if the suggestions aren’t exciting and fresh. Constantly conceptualizing and executing new content can be exhausting. I am here to tell you that you don’t have to do it independently. I am using freelancers or guest authors. Another possibility is to curate material from other sources. For example, you purchase private label right (PLR) content and customise it for your blog.
  • The repayment is postponed: One of the most frustrating aspects of blogging is it is time-consuming at first, with no payoff. Building a readership and momentum takes time.
  • Blogging would not produce revenue on its own: Previously, publishing an article was sufficient to generate traffic and income. Today, a good blog requires email marketing, extra benefits such as content updates, and an active social network, such as a Facebook community.

Why blogs are different from Conventional Company websites

To help your business understand the need for a blog, let’s examine why blogs matter so much for business. Consistent and Fresh Content For starters, a blog provides a steady source of fresh content. While some business websites continue to update information, this is often done with the end goal of earning a click-through or another conversion. 

Traditional Company Websites vs Blogging to make money

 Your Company Websites 

Content that is Evergreen ( content rarely changes) and Communication is just one way.

  • Your Blog
  • Blogs are a form of online publication. That is frequently updated and allows for comments ( user engagements)

Some people are unsure what distinguishes a blog from a website. Part of the misunderstanding arises because many companies use both, usually by adding a blog section to their company website. However, two characteristics of a blog distinguish it from a conventional website.

For starters, blogs are constantly updated. Whether it’s a skincare blog where a woman shares her skincare adventures, a cooking blog where she shares new recipes, or a company where she updates her services, blogs have new content added many times a week, and these are ways of blogging to make money.

  • Websites can provide new information on occasion, but for the most part, they include static information that seldom changes.
  • Second, blogs allow for reader interaction. Blogs and social media accounts often coexist because they all serve the same function of engaging an audience with each other and the content creator. Some blogs can have conversational features, but a blog generally allows for more dialogue and interaction than a conventional website.

Starting A Blog On Your Own Company Website.

  • Starting A Blog On Your Own Company Website.


Creating a blog from your own domain (if you chose self-hosting and a custom domain) Forum for blogging on WordPress

I am proceeding with the assumption that you’ve selected WordPress because if you haven’t, you should. It really is the best. If you’re still unsure what a self-hosted blog is, let me explain what it and how outsourcing it on Fiverr or your webmaster will get you set up ASAP.

You already have a company domain name and a company website. What you want to do is have your WordPress builder provide you with a blog template so that you can add “posts” (blog pages) to your website.

  • Blogging Can Be More Interactive Than A Company Website.


“The interaction with the audience is what you’re looking for if you’re going to have a blogging strategy,” said Chris Brewer, the founder and publisher of Topol Communications. “The content is of primary importance, but the community’s interaction is an important aspect of a blog’s success.

“Business Bloggers often create their content regularly, and there is typically some consistency to the content. This allows readers to anticipate content, and frequently, people actually prefer having their daily dose of new information and guidance. Blogs are built to attract an audience Blogging often attracts readers because it offers a new platform for readers to receive information.

  • Blogging to make money more is about writing.


Writing is an important skill for every business professional. It is often overlooked and only occasionally appreciated, but every writing professional knows that writing skills are essential to a successful career. 

A blog cannot succeed without an exceptional level of writing skills. There are many types of writing you can learn, but only two styles can be identified as blog writing. The first type of writing is content that updates your company website or blog. 

This type of content includes keywords within a text box. When content is posted on a website, a keyword is usually added in the text box. We all what that all-mighty search engines can index the text easily and improve our ranking. The second writing style is composed of thoughts associated with each other to form a logical argument.

  • Blogging Is More Than Writing.


What makes blogging so powerful for your business is that it is a means of engaging and interacting with your audience in a completely different way. There are all sorts of blogging tools available that help you set up a blog. 

They include WordPress, Photobucket, del.icio.us, Tumblr, Flickr and more. You can even publish your blog on a dedicated domain. Blogging allows you to publish the kind of content that matters to your target audience. 

When you write posts, you focus on your business, but you also allow your audience to become interested in your business through the comments that you receive and by responding to comments. It’s about engagement Another very important characteristic of blogging is engagement.

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Pro Tips - Blogging to make money

  • Blogging Pro Tips – Blogging to make money.

The research has identified that most of your Business blog’s traffic is organic, meaning that users on a search engine explore or seek information and end up on your blog if it fits their intended subject. However, since many organizations are vying for your audience’s attention, it’s critical to avoid popular blog mistakes to stand out.

Here are some of the most recent blog post blunders (and their solutions),

1. Write blog posts that promote the company’s overall goals.

Misconception: You only consider concepts that are of personal interest to you. And if you read and re-read your blog posts after they’ve been published, you’re not the only or expected consumer of this content.

What I experienced when I started my blog is that the most prolific ideas will come to me at unexpected times: in the shower, on the run, or while on the phone with your mother. Although ideas can come at inconvenient times, these ideas would always belong to the Pillars I have set up my business on. They have never been random. My blogging always has its foundations on my pillar themes. I try not to stray from that. 

Solution: Align your blog posts with your company’s growth objectives.

You are blogging to solve problems for your readers and, ultimately, to grow your company. As a result, all of your blog post ideas should contribute to those growth objectives. In addition, they should be relevant to your business and answer specific questions and concerns your prospects may have.

Do you need assistance determining your objectives and how to achieve them? First, discuss the broader organization goals with your boss, and then set up a meeting with a sales team member to learn about the most frequently asked questions. 

After both meetings, you should understand which goals you need to accomplish and how to go about achieving them. Being a women entrepreneur, I have outlined my goals, and the team has the visuals on the whiteboard.

2. Not Identifying what appeals to the target audience.

Misconception: Ignoring the persona of your intended audience

Wanting your blog content to perform well (i.e. generate traffic, leads, and sales) must connect with your target audience and force them to act. After focusing on your Brand’s pillars, the next productive step is to want your content to succeed with your target audience or the actions you want them to take.

Solution: Understand your reader’s persona’s pains and have a solution for them. You are bridging the gap with your content by identifying your customer persona and the essential items.

If you’re not actively considering your persona’s pains, you’re only making content for the sake of creating content, which is a waste of energy.

3. Write as though you were speaking.

Misconception: Writing like an expert with stiff prose is a mistake.

Writing a blog post is not the same as writing a term paper. However, when bloggers first begin, they typically only have experience with the latter. What’s the issue? The writing style of a term paper is not the writing style that people enjoy reading.

Let us face it: most people who see your post won’t read it all the way, though. But, being customer orientated, you will want to keep them interested. So your motivation is to keep reading by writing in an easy-to-read format.

Solution: Try to write posts that are friendly and approachable.

It’s OK to write in a more conversational tone; we encourage it. However, people would enjoy reading your writing more if it is approachable. Your customers will always prefer to do business with real people they trust and feel competent in their industry.

So relax your writing. And include contractions, remove all jargon and crack a few jokes, people. That’s how real people communicate, and that’s what real people enjoy reading.

4. Showing the Brand’s personality. Don’t tell it.

Misconception: You believe that people care for you as a writer.

It may sound harsh, but it is true: When people first begin blogging, they believe that their audience will be naturally interested in their stories and interests… but this is not the case. 

It’s not a criticism of them as people; it’s just that when you’re new, no one is interested in you or your experiences. I know that I am much more interested in what you can show me than tell me.

Solution: Infuse your personality without overpowering the subject.

Even if people don’t care that you’re writing the message, you can incorporate aspects of your personality into your writing to make them feel more at ease with you. It is entirely up to you if you do this. For example, some people enjoy telling jokes. Others enjoy making pop culture references and still want vivid explanations.

To inject personality into your writing, look for ways to connect with your readers about the subject you’re writing about, then write in the first person as if you’re hanging out with them and talking about it. Then, personalise, approachable, and engaging speech, just as you would in a face-to-face conversation.

5. Reiterate the point many times.

Misconception – I prattle on and start straying from my topic.

While you are encouraged to let your personality show through in your writing, don’t take advantage of this opportunity. It’s one thing to be yourself when discussing a subject, but it’s quite another to bring up so many personal experiences that bury the point you’re trying to make.

Don’t get too carried away with personal anecdotes and analogies; your readers aren’t sitting in front of you, so you can’t guarantee their undivided attention. Moreover, they can (and will) leave your article if they become impatient.

Solution: Reiterate your point.

To avoid losing your audience, restate your point in each article segment. The best blog posts commit to a larger message and then deliver it progressively, voicing it several times in small ways from start to finish.

If you’re writing about how much skincare you should use, don’t waste three paragraphs explaining the tale of how you returned home to a dead fern after a two-week break. This story demonstrates your point, but what is your point? Certain plants cannot survive for more than 14 days without water. That is one possibility, and it should be stated right away.

6. Begin with a particular working title.

Misconception – choosing topics are too general, which is a mistake.

When most people begin blogging, they want to write about broad topics such as:

  • “How to Do Social Media Marketing” “Best Practices for Business”
  • “How to Make Money on the Internet” is a book that explains how to make money on the internet.

These are just too general topics. Since there are so many specifics and complexities in these subjects, it’s extremely difficult to provide a thorough answer. Furthermore, more focused subjects draw smaller, more targeted audiences, which are higher quality and more likely to turn into leads and customers.

So, to reap the most immediate and long-term benefits from blogging, you must be much more precise.

Solution: Start with a simple, succinct concept.

It is critical to nail down very specific blog topics if you want to hit the ground running on your first few posts. I use Ubersuggest to generate ideas.

Bear in mind that a working title isn’t final; it’s just a concrete angle to help you stay on track with your writing. It is easier to write your blog posts once you have mastered this stage of the ideation process.

7. Specific posts should also contribute to the overall image.

Misconception: You fail to link a particular subject to your reader’s larger struggle.

As you have already connected with your customer personas and understand their pain points. However, there is an explanation of why they feel pain and what motivates them to resolve it.

Solution: Recognize the difficulties and consequences they face.

  • What is really is at stake?
  • What do they stand to gain by acting?
  • What do your customers fear will happen if they do not act?

Both of these factors can be reflected in the material you write for your blog post. This shows your reader that you appreciate what they’re going through and want to assist them.

8. Building an outline, using headers, and using a particular post format.

Misconception: Your blog writing is not a brain dump or journalling

When I have a brilliant idea that I’m excited about, it’s tempting to sit down and let it flow out of me. But what I normally get is a mediocre blog post.

Why is this so? The stream-of-consciousness writing style isn’t ideal for business blog posts. Most people would search your blog posts rather than read them, so they must be extremely well structured.

Solution: Use a template, description, and section headers to structure your blog.

Decide what kind of blog post you want to write., is the first step? Is this a how-to guide? A post with a list? A post with selected collections? A presentation on SlideShare? Download our free templates for making five different styles of blog posts for assistance. It will be easier to compose your outline once you have a blueprint in place.

Outlining makes a significant difference. I like to organize my thoughts and construct a coherent flow in my article. The rest is easy — I am then just filling in the blanks under each heading.

The use of headers is also essential for the reader’s experience.

To begin writing a blog post outline, make a list of the top takeaways you want your readers to get from your post. Then, divide those key points into larger segment headers. Your blog post will be simpler and more fun to read if you have a section header every few paragraphs. (Also, keyword-rich header text is beneficial to SEO.) Then, when you get around to writing, all you’ll have to do is fill in the blanks.

9. Give the audience something to remember you by.

You’re making a mistake by relying on the abstract rather than the real.

One of the first steps in your blog research would be to look up how other publications are writing about a subject. You can see, almost all of the findings on Google’s first page are about How, What, Where and answering questions. So how do I make my blog stand out? 

I ensure that I include specific, actionable steps and answer any related questions to that specific topic.

Have actionable measures to achieve results as a solution.

One of the most important tenets of content development is that it should be useful, which means that the audience should take something away from it.

This could be in the form of a “how-to” guide about executing a specific technique, or it could simply be a recommendation for a method or tactic to make a process simpler.

10. Back up your points in your posts with evidence and analysis.

Misconception; Business blogging not using data as evidence.

Assume I’m writing a blog post about why companies should think about using Instagram for marketing. Which is more persuasive when I make the argument?

I will always locate relevant data on the topic I am writing on as it then substantially my point. Arguments and arguments become even more convincing when they are supported by evidence and analysis. As marketers, we must not only persuade people to support us on a topic, but we must also persuade them to act. People are drawn to data-driven material in ways that fluffy arguments are not.

Solution: Use evidence to back up your claims.

You’ll present the main point in any good story, provide proof, and conclude with a takeaway for the audience. Data can be used in blog posts to introduce your key point and demonstrate why it is essential to your readers or evidence in the article.

Such excellent resources for convincing data include:

  • Statista
  • MarketingSherpa 
  • Pew Research Center
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Pro Tips - Blogging to make money

  • Blogging Pro Tips – Blogging to make money.

11. Examples to demonstrate why what you’re saying is essential.

Misconception: You don’t have enough meaning or backstories.

Solution: Use illustrations, visual aids, and additional material to illustrate concepts.

‘SMBs should broaden their social media campaigns and experiment with newer, cheaper platforms,’ a better way to communicate this with an audience. You might, for example, try running ads on the question-and-answer site Quora, or answer industry questions to which your product or service is an answer.’

As Authors, we understand and are passionate about our businesses. However, when offering suggestions, examples, or doing a routine, it’s easy to lose the essence of the details.

“Will people understand this big word?” “Do you remember this term?” “Can they picture this?” Then, taking time reviewing posts that might use that word or linking it to others, I find that the Yoast SEO tool on WordPress will give me hints on linking to pages within my company website and blog. Or I google, Yahoo or Bing for further clarity.

12. Citations when using ideas of others where possible.

Misconception: You can plagiarise.

It was plagiarism, and it hasn’t worked with your blog yet. Nonetheless, however, many newcomers assume they can publish without including links.

No way. Almost all ideas are plagiarised because they are not original. Your speech sounds hoarse, or maybe a few words are misspelt. It sounds weird.

Moreover, if you get caught stealing other people’s content, your entire site will suffer.

Solution: Giving due credit is the response.

Instead, learn how to reference the content that you reference in your blogs. When you’re just starting, it’s not difficult to recall.

These Pro Tips – came from Hubspot – Beginner Blogger Mistakes

13. Using an Editing App or re-reading 

Misconception: your audience doesn’t care about grammar and spelling

Many people neglect to edit their writing. It sounded so fluent, so fluid to read when they were writing. Yes, you need to take time and read it out loud if you have to.

Solution: The more you do so, the more benefit you can gain

even Typically, our first ideas are poor. Take the time to polish your post, Fix all your typing errors, run-on sentences, and clerical errors, Ensuring that your plotline is logical.

Double-check your blog: Go through our step-by-by-step guide for remembering everything you need to double-check before writing.

14. Get It Published.

Misconception: Perfectionism is debilitating, and any attempt is doomed to failure. I hate to say it, but your post will never be finished. Nope always a work in progress.

You can always boost your posts. The volume is higher. Less concise New puns Know when to lay aside your obsessions, then print.

Solution: It’s better to publish early and often than be flawless.

Diminishing returns would be achieved. Therefore, though it’s OK to have mistakes, they aren’t disastrous. Having an impact on views and leads would be rare.

Finally, the correction is simple. It’s nothing. Occasionally, try to set aside some time to enjoy your life.

15. Employing an editorial calendar to blog regularly

Misconception; that you can write a blog sporadically.

Significant amounts of traffic can be generated the more frequently you publish. However, however critical is staying consistent when you’re just starting. It won’t be easy to form a daily habit if you produce five posts a week and then just two. inconsistency will cause your readers to become put off

Solution: Companies committed to regularly publishing high-quality content have proven to see short-term gains and long-term ones.

More detailed methods will be needed to preserve the continuity.

More frequent blogging is your ideal solution. even if you are having a productive week, build your topics and post regularly

16. Keep the long-term benefits in mind

Misconception: Concentrate your analytics on short-term traffic

New and seasoned bloggers make this mistake. It is challenging to prove long-term value concerning your blog readership would require long-term analysis. Such things have a half-life of two or less, meaning:

When new marketers discover that their blogs aren’t generating any new traffic, they become upset. They give up on their blog prematurely.

Solution: Over time, blog ROI equals total organic traffic.

Don’t think about short-term decline. I am thinking about the organic number. If it’s allowed to age, day three and beyond will be found on search engine results pages by day two of a single blog post. So only give it a little time.

This long-term traffic requires consistency with relevant, long-term articles. These are called “evergreen content” posts because they need little upkeep, are versatile, and are high quality.

If you give people content of constant value, it will be part of your overall blog traffic. Regularly increasing traffic would reframe your blog and ROI

17. A Subscription CTA to join your newsletter on your blog.

Misconception: your email list isn’t vast enough

blogging isn’t just about gaining new readers and followers. At first, blogging’s key benefits will provide you with a steady subscriber base with whom you can share new content. When you write a new blog, your subscribers can get you a long-term boost in web traffic.

Meaningful return on investment (traffic, leads, and, ultimately, customers).

Solution: A CTA Email newsletter is the fix

First, create a welcome email for new subscribers and add posts from your blog to your email campaign. Here’s a step-by-by-step guide on how to set up new subscriber emails and welcome emails

After that, have CTA buttons on your blog and elsewhere to make it easy for readers to sign up. CTAs should be an above-the-the-fold email type. Generally, we position our CTAs at the bottom of blog posts, which you can access by downloading Leadin.

An opt-in landing page can be created on your company website and other social media or other channels to promote it. Using these sophisticated tactics in drawing in new subscribers

  • Conclusion – Blogging to make money for your Business on your Company Website

Although blogging doesn’t make sense for every business, it makes sense for a good percentage. There are many benefits to blogging for business, and there are many different ways to approach the practice. This article originally appeared on the FilterChain blog and Hubspot beginners bloggers mistakes.

I’ve made every single mistake. Always bear in mind that these errors have a cause. the more you post, the better you’ll get at it, and the traffic and leads you’ll reap in return

Using this list of mistakes to boost your blogging skills is well worth the time and effort to keep the company website running smoothly.


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