“Birdbox” – Netflix content – is a thriller carried by an outstanding performance from Sandra Bullock – “Where Disney meets Tim Burton and Alfred Hitchcock,” says Audrey Anderson.
Why did this movie receive 45 million views in one week?
Was it because of the legions of bored American teens and college students on break for the holidays, cause this to happen with their creation of memes?
“Bird Box” is Netflix’s new big movie that started streaming when most breaks started, and the main demographic that makes memes seems to be watching it.
And the movie is legitimately popular. According to Netflix, more than 45 million accounts watched the film, the company’s record for seven days of viewership.
This is a cheap, monster hit for Netflix. The budget for Bird Box was reportedly only $19.8 million.
A brand is willing to take a risk to create a disturbance in the force.