My MLM Rodan and Fields Business + My Rebranding Strategy 


MLM Rodan and Fields
MLM Rodan and Fields

Why did I decide that my MLM Rodan and Fields Business needed a cutting edge rebranding strategy?. When first starting my MLM Rodan and Fields Business, branding was the furthest thought on my mind. After all, the primary focus was to sit down and think about Brand Voice. Think about what I wanted my Customer Experience to be. And where would I find them?

SEO and Winning at Product Led Content marketing came later. Plus, I really did not make creating my MLM Rodan and Fields Business brand identity a huge priority at the beginning of my Journey in 2017.

In the ensuing years, changes in my Business and the consumer goods industry at large, my business plans and priorities have made it my personal mission to prioritise my rebranding strategy.

In 2020, I needed rebranding because I wanted to expand into Japanese with MLM Rodan and Fields Business as Corporate expanded our product offering into the Japanese Market.

Your branding efforts must continue long after your (naming and logo ended) with your business card MLM Rodan and Fields Business logo jotted down on a napkin or me starting your branding process from the get-go. But, somewhere along the way, I realised I could do everything significantly better.

Why Rodan and Fields?

Who Is The MLM Rodan and Fields Consultant?

She’s the friendliest person on your social media feed, the trendiest parent at kindergarten, the regular hot yoga class with a healthy glow. The MLM Rodan and Fields consultant has something she aspires to market to you—and it’s not just skincare or a lash enhancing serum or acne treatment for your teen.

I am an MLM Industry Independent consultants to the MLM Rodan and Fields skincare company, a San Francisco-based skincare company. In 2018, about 411,000., including a group of super-high-performing teams, selling products from their Social Media Accounts and earning 25% commission on sales made from their friends and acquaintances. Including me. Though I also work a full-time job which I love also.

My initial User Experience for the Brand was in February 2017, and it was very positive. I came across my Sponsor through her DM, and we chatted for a bit. I discovered the MLM Rodan and Fields Skincare range and the Business. Then I said I was not interested, but I could support her in finding her business contacts in Australia for the Brands launch later in 2017.

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The Potential

I Saw The Potential Of The MLM Rodan and Fields Business.

During the conversation, my Sponsor happily informed me she worked in Corporate sales for Microsoft. She positions Rodan and Fields products and service as an invaluable solution to her sensitive skin queries, her sensitive skin. Lo and behold, I was experiencing Sensitivity in my skin, and I wanted a solution.

She was chilled and left me alone for a month to mull over the MLM Rodan and Fields Business. I did like you are now doing, and I started my GOOGLE online journey through the myriad of articles out there. The “Scary Mummy” article to the Forbes, Marketwatch, then landed on the Sub-Reddit MLM page. So I had the full 360 from those who saw it as a skincare brand emerging as a unicorn or to those die-hard MLM business haters.

What Did The Follow-up MLM Rodan and Fields Business Conversation Sound Like?

Again my Sponsor has been great at high multimillion-dollar Microsoft pitches; this was super easy for her to chat to me; she again did not pitch the Business but won me over with her Product Led pitch and what benefits I could expect from using the Rodan and Fields skincare. 

She then promoted the potential of the business kit’s acquisition after she qualified me as a viable prospect ( Having owned a construction business for 32 years). She continued with her Product discussion; it always came back to the incredible products.

I was sold!! I acquired my first MLM business in Rodan and Fields skincare; I joined as a founding Australia consultant and purchased a box of all the products. If I was going to run a profitable MLM business, I needed to see what this hoopla was about.


My MLM Business

How I Start Selling the MLM Rodan and Fields Skincare?

My Sponsor as a consultant for MLM Rodan and Fields business is highly educated, digitally versatile. The updated version of cosmetics saleswoman, i.e. my MOM, the frosted lip gloss and a soap-on-a-rope, and the AVON catalogues. 

My MLM Rodan and Fields Sponsor was a mother of 2 teen girls in her late 40s who wanted a flexible job. Instead of making sales calls in person, my MLM Rodan and Fields consultants used Facebook and Instagram; she had shared pre-and-after skin selfies and offered me some free skincare to try. 

I saw that she was not fulfilling my order from the back of her Ford station waggon as my mother did. But my Sponsor ended with referring me to her personal MLM Rodan and Fields website, where I picked what I want so the company can send it to you. 

She did not have to sell to me by throwing a house party, either. I liked and trusted my Sponsor, and I started Selling on my Social media accounts, namely Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn. I gained several consultants who wanted to join me in this MLM business in my first 18 months.

After 3 years, I Chose A Rebranding Strategy For My MLM Business. 

For 32 years in constructions, I was the general contractor’s project manager and our family business’s CMO. In 2008, I started my exciting venture into eCommerce with an affiliate marketing company and used Facebook to sell my curated products, and I started my Digital Marketing Journey. 

With my Construction company, our Digital Marketing Journey was with a Website, and our Contract “Leads” would come in through the Construction company website. 

My branding strategy strengths: to draw in the customer or client who needs and wanted more information on my Product. Product-led growth ensures that the company’s strategy to identify and convert new leads and customers is based on your Product.

The growth was coming in from consumers who had to experience your company (and spoke about it – word-of-mouth).


MLM Push Marketing Strategy

What I Learned Was That The MLM Rodan and Fields Skincare Company.

The Brand led with a “Push Marketing Strategy” when training and from our individually lead teams. So you might ask me, hey, what is “Push Marketing Strategy”?

What’s A Push Marketing Strategy?

A push marketing strategy, also called a push advertising strategy, refers to a strategy in which a business attempts to take its products ( with MLM Rodan and Fields, Skincare) to customers – to “push” them to consumers Social Media Marketing.

A push marketing strategy aims to use various active marketing tactics to push their goods to customers’ point of view, often right at the point of purchase. One of the key goals of push marketing is to minimise the amount of time that elapses between the consumer seeing the Product and making the purchasing decision to purchase the Product to the minimum possible.

Deciding On A Rebranding Strategy with my MLM Business.

Thinking that my successful Construction company was viable for 32 on a “Product-led growth strategy”, I shifted my thinking and approach. I moved to this new strategy to acquire new customers and new people interested in this huge growing market Skincare Consumer goods.

Instead of focusing on the funnel’s three main steps (from the top of the sales funnel to the middle and finally the bottom of the funnel), I started to concentrate on the business potential of each marketing operation. Pull marketing is focused on getting consumers to you. It draws into a customer base and leads them to your Website or social media.

It’s an approach that works; companies that have become known for their product-led growth strategy include my Construction business, Slack, Dropbox, Typeform, MailChimp, and Loom, among others. I completely believe it can be a brand strategy for our MLM Rodan and Fields business teams and those who join me in the future.


How MLMs can utilise my Rebranding Strategy

So What Is “Pull Marketing”?

Pull marketing, also associated with inbound marketing, is the opposite of push marketing. It works by deliberately “driving” prospects to my Website or by attracting them to your Product. Pull marketing uses brand recognition and exposure to get you to your web-based audience.

A pull strategy is increasingly going to be web-based since I was really looking to pull in a big nett into customers who may need my Skincare Services. Consumers were much like me; they would look for products on Google search engine and on their own rather than specifically approaching them. 

All my efforts of Posting diligently on Social Media platforms produced in customers and some of those wanted to join my team. However, my social media post was not “evergreen content” that sat on my Website until someone searching on Google for my MLM Rodan and Fields Skincare would find it.

Why do I choose To Lead With Product Lead Marketing?

Defining product content marketing as – Content where the MLM Rodan and Fields Skincare Product is incorporated into a story to explain an idea, solve a customer’s skin problem, and/or help achieve a goal.

Product-led content marketing is at the intersection of content marketing, product development and consumer success. I love the products; I have in the 4 years tried every Product they have on their roster. I love them all; I have used them all. I know what they are meant to do for skin concerns. I sometimes Mix and match them.


Market Opportunities

What Are The Market Opportunities Of MLM Rodan and Fields Business?

The degree of market opportunity and growth with the Rebranding strategy was as follows:

  • The Rodan and Fields Product is nearly irreplaceable with many skincare solutions to the problem. Their Product list is growing each year with more innovations.

The defining reasons I joined this MLM Business was not lead by the idea of a White Mercedes or a huge team. It was first and foremost the market opportunity and growth of the “Products”. The skincare line is being innovated, lead by 2 world-renowned Dermatologist.

These two women were driving these innovations in 2021 press releases to announce that MLM Rodan and Fields have a new “Complex” generated by its in-house crew of experts and scientist at our Rodan + Fields Berkeley Innovation Center, strengthening the skin to be more resilient against potential harm caused by environmental factors such as exposure to sunlight.

So you would really not be utilising the phenomenal MLM Business if you did not lead with their products in your digital marketing strategy.

Example Of My Plan To Utilise Pull Marketing – My FIRST TIER 

In 2018 I knew I needed a Personal Website, so strong Personal Brand awareness. I choose the name “” this is also the same name on my 

  • MLM Rodan and Fields Shop“. Guess what, people? It is also the name on my 
  • Facebook Group page “”
  • Instagram Page audrey_anderson_world
  • My LinkedIn Page follows the same concept.
  • As does my Pinterest Business Page.


SO I should be easily found on GOOGLE search engines. As the MLM Rodan and Fields do not permit advertising by Independent consultants, your Digital marketing Game needs to be slamming.


Rebranding Strategy

With My “Pull Marketing” Strategy in my Rebranding in MLM Rodan and Fields


I am getting consumers to try out your deal by using the Search engine GOOGLE. How you might ask, I am using SEO like any other big beauty brand out there like MLM Rodan and Fields Skincare, Brick and Mortar stores like Sephora, e-commerce stores like Glossier. They are all visible and searchable, so why are MLM Businesses not rebranding and using this Branding Strategy.


In SEO, one organisation that is becoming recognised for product-led growth and content marketing is Ahrefs.

Tim Soulo, CMO, says: “The market opportunity is what we care about. To evaluate the business potential of each keyword and topic, we have created what we call the Business Potential Score. And we’re just trying to target problems where our Product is an almost irreplaceable solution to the problem.”

When MLM Rodan and Fields launches a new skincare product, I want to raise awareness. I begin by adopting SEO best practises related to the content of the latest product line while blogging and running SEO campaigns. 

My Website is my home base and should also be yours for those looking to find information on products; this can get people to your site through keyword searches. Learning to write great copy and utilise SEO I can be found. My growth strategy is that I prefer to play the “long game’ in MLM leads, and in the MLM Industry, the long game will see you succeed. 

MLM Rodan and Fields are only in 4 countries; the Drs first brand Proactive was in over 160+ countries. Those countries use GOOGLE, Yahoo or BING search engines. I want to be found.

Social Media and the MLM Business

What Is My Rebranding Strategy For My Social Media Accounts: 

My Social Media marketing gives me access to an active population and is a huge range of potential customers. With the established credibility of my Website. Potential clients and customers who would do their due diligence can see my work and learn more about me without having me “Push Marketing” my Brand.

I always use Product-Led Content Marketing in MLM Rodan and Fields?

Here is my Step-By-Step My easy to copy method of producing a product-led piece of content looks like this:

  • Studying my client’s problems and topics.
  • Define the core of your content to reflect the core of your Website
  • Assess the business potential of each idea.
  • Sketch out or outline the story and weave your Product into the narrative.
  • Use a call-to-action method.

Rinse and repeat, and remain consistent on my Social Media accounts.

What Is My Social Media Rebranding Strategy for MLM Rodan and Fields?

I always start with my customer’s issues and concerns. The MLM Rodan and Fields products exist because they can solve an issue in the Skincare target market.  My customer’s buying journey always begins here with their skincare concerns.

Most potential customers will be aware of their skincare issues.

They know they want to improve their Acne, sun damage, reverse ageing signs, or sensitive skin. I provide and exchange information online without making duplicate versions on each Social Media platform. Then I lead them to my Website landing page as part of their buying journey.

My Rebranding Strategy on Facebook.

As they begin research, they transition from pain/problem-consciousness to solution-consciousness. The philosophy focuses on linking your content ideas to the importance of my MLM Rodan and Fields goods. 

Your content centre links the dots between what your customers care about and what you have to give them. Notice that I said what your consumers care about,” not “what your audience cares about. There’s a difference here. And if you’re going to be very good at creating leads and converting traffic, you have to consider the customers who are already paying you.


Social Commerce for MLM

Facebook Social Commerce Part Of MLM Business Rebranding

I decided to implement on my Facebook Business Group a Facebook Store, which links back to my MLM Rodan and Fields shop. Those members of my Facebook group who, after seeing my Product driven content.

Cross Promotion: I then also will share the same post on my Instagram Business page; this is another brilliant way to attract customers to you. Some other types of Cross-Promotion are when I do Instagram lives with other Brands; collaborating with a reputable Fashion blogger on Instagram to promote the Rodan and Fields product creates instant brand recognition and confidence.

When we have a new product line to promote, I strategically use Instagram Stories and Reels, Tik Tok to appear in customer news feeds that indulge in skincare is your smartest strategy. 

You’re not addressing them directly, but rather you’re drawing them in by making sure they “stumble” on your Product and want to learn more. Posting your Website in your Business Instagram account profile allows them to follow that link if they want to learn more.

Summary In short: 


Product-led content marketing is an opportunity for you to promote acquisition, informed prospects, improve retention and obtain skilled conversions. The Rodan and Fields Regimes are also extremely successful and by most sources. “This is a really high-quality line,” says Jim Hammer, a cosmetic chemist. They were ranked no 1 selling skincare in North America in 2018, 2019 by Euromonitor.

I am completely aware of the delicate line between encouraging and irritating, and not all MLM Rodan and Fields consultants are self-aware. In reality, if you’re selling and MLM products or Rodan and Fields and you think your friends could be escaping you, they probably are. It is time to Rebrand and improve your sales tactics and start drawing those customers you seek to you with your Digital Marketing content. 

Making the Skincare products part of the narrative and concentrate on your customer’s concerns to effectively implement product-led content.

Happy days are here again for me as I am doing what I love, which is to solve problems. Without pushing and being the annoying MOM on your Social Media website bugging you about their MLM Business products!

Content Creation and Customer Buying Process MLM Business

Rodan and Fields Press



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Grow with confidence