Skincare Specialist Cheat Sheets

A Skincare Specialist Guide - Cheat Sheets

Skincare Specialist – Like most women and me, we cherish our skincare and cosmetics, so let’s not deny it. My skincare gives me a massive boost in confidence, knowing that my natural-looking and perfecting products are providing me with the edge to face the world. You and I know that they do help us look young and healthy-looking with firmer and flawless-looking skin.

Skincare Specialist - Cheatsheets

Expiration Dates For Beauty Products

With such a plethora of benefits, you and I know that they cannot last forever, and they come with some expiration dates. Meaning that you must throw them away as per the instructions or for some help. This Infographic I have on the next page.

Even though some cosmetics and skincare may last longer than others, however, there is a rule, and it is there to ensure you are using effective products and knowing the expiration date of the products you have in your bathroom - so you can become a skincare specialist also

Beauty Serving Size - Skincare Specialist

We'll admit we went back for more. Sometimes the first round of anti-aging super serum wasn't enough and we required one more pump to feel fully anti-aged. Sadly, the “less is more” cliché that we love-hate rings truer than ever when it comes to beauty products.

As a Skincare Specialist I know that using more than you need doesn't always help your skin (not to mention the harm done to your wallet every time you cash another night cream). We've compiled your beauty serving size chart to prevent you a lifetime of over-slathering. This is one diet you will surely follow.

Order Of Application Skincare

Skincare doesn't have to be difficult, but it can be bewildering for someone new to the world of lotions and potions. Simply put, skincare is a morning and night ritual. But the sequence and layering of your skincare is vital. We aim to increase the efficacy of your skincare products. To maximise our skincare regimen's effectiveness, we should apply products in the sequence they were intended to be used. Here's why it matters and how it can affect your skincare goals.

Ingredients you should know from a Skincare Specialist

Also, we all know that being a skincare ingredient expert isn't easy. It's easy to get lost in a serum or cleanser's label.

As a Skincare Specialist, I know these ingredients may be frightening, as are the comprehensive (but accurate and reliable) skincare glossaries you can find online. So to help you sort through the muddle, I've created this simple lexicon of popular skincare components and how long they take to act.

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Skincare Specialist Chichi Kawa Magazine

Chichi Kawa - Skincare Specialist Cheat Sheets

Don’t take my word for it. Read the first few pages and see my tips on the products that are right for your skin.

Author spotlight - Skincare Specialist

This magazine has served as an extension of my interests on Audrey Anderson World site, Articles written by some great authors I’ve come to know over my nearly 33 years writing in business. Digital Marketing | Consulting | Wine & Spirits | Construction | Beauty Industry | Emerging Markets

Audrey Anderson

Free Skincare Specialist Cheat Sheets

ChiChi Kawa


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