How to build personal branding – Women Entrepreneurship  Rachel Johnson

How to Build Personal Branding in the Age of Women Entrepreneurship

How to build Personal Branding

Women Entrepreneurship – Rachael Johnson has always been an entrepreneurial spirit. She shares her personal story and lessons learned as she pursued her own success showing how to build personal branding in her journey.

This guide is here to help you build your personal brand and grow your business. We’ll cover how to build an online presence and the importance of social media, branding essentials, personal brand progression, and more.

How to build Personal Branding
How to build Personal Branding

Women Entrepreneurship: Myths, Challenges, and the Reality

Rachael Johnson has some advice for women trying to juggle all while still building a career (Women Entrepreneurship). Life throws us unpredictable curveballs, but as Rachael Johnson always tells her daughters, we only get to decide how we respond to them and how we move forwards.

As a stay-at-home mum with three young daughters, she hoped to assist her husband Matt, the family’s primary breadwinner, with their finances. However, she had no idea that a change would lead her through life’s most difficult times and into an exciting entrepreneurial future.

Rachael Johnson, always being there for her daughters, says that life gives us its own tricky twists, but we are in control of how we react and where we go forwards. With her husband being the primary earner, she wanted to help with their finances and the domestic duties, so she stayed at home as a stay-at-home mum. However, she had no idea of what was to come; even worse, she had no idea that her life would take her to exciting new and painful experiences.

Thinking About and Planning to Start - Women Entrepreneurship

The Challenges of Women Entrepreneurship

No matter what job you’ve had, I think it’s a given that there would have been ups and downs. Any time you switch jobs, change locations, or change companies, it can be a bit of a transition. With women entrepreneurship, you’re responsible for the whole life of the team and company, and sometimes you can’t always be there. 

So, when there’s a particularly tough time, or you’re experiencing an unexpected challenge, that can put you in a tough spot. It doesn’t turn out exactly as expected when plans go awry, and it can be really challenging to understand how to work through that. 

Solving that puzzle can often mean taking control and developing solutions that don’t require you to be there. For example, if you’re working out of your home office, you can’t just skip town. Instead, you have to figure out how to make your schedule work around that situation for Women Entrepreneurship.

How to build Personal Branding

Overcoming Significant Adversity - Women Entrepreneurship

Building a pipeline of people in the business for a successful Canadian launch for Rodan and Fields, planning to work as an Independent Consultant. She began by collecting names and contact information about them.

Rachael eagerly awaited Rodan + Fields’ Canadian launch as she created a network of those who wanted in. Rachael and her husband were getting ready for the birth of their fourth child when and she had recently become pregnant after an eighteen-month struggle.

Rachael was overjoyed. Unfortunately, her doctor told the couple that her child had died just two weeks before Canada’s R+F launch date.

“I’ve never been in a worse spot in my life.” We’ve never been through anything so traumatic. Not knowing what I was going to do. ‘How am I going to speak to people about skincare when I can barely get out of bed and care for my kids?’ I wondered. I’d been waiting for this for a year, and it felt like it was slipping through my fingertips before it even started.”

Finding a Safe Haven amid a Hurricane

How to build Personal Branding – Women Entrepreneurship

– Rachael determined she would go forward with the launch in February of 2015, no matter what it cost her emotionally. Some advised me to slow down and be patient, but I knew it would be painful if I did not begin my attempt promptly into Women Entrepreneurship. Thus, I had assembled a strong support base of people who believed in me, and thus it would be betraying their faith if I were to abandon ship.

Thankfully, because the job was excellent in removing Rachael’s suffering, The launch was fantastic, as it was full of continuous activity and had all manner of weirdness and excitement going on all around it. Unfortunately, when I was working, I was completely occupied and completely preoccupied with work, so I did not have time to think about what had happened.

I dedicated at least 50 hours per week to this business, and I worked diligently and fully in it. Since it’s been one of the greatest things that have happened to me, I’ve had the power to keep myself from losing hope when things have been very bad. I am extremely thankful for the kind treatment I received from my Rodan+Field business. Really it saved my life.

The Captain Is Rallying Her Team.

It turned out that Team Grace had Rachael’s uplines (support personnel) assist on their side, which helped get the job done efficiently and expeditiously. All three members of the Give team were incredible: Marcy, Stephanie, and Kristin, in particular. Since I’d only been in town for a month, there were literally a million things I had to learn. My entire organisation has made a huge effort to ensure our launch was successful. The thing I’m most thankful for is my proactive, supportive, compassionate, and expansive group of folks. 

Rachael is the proudest of this company because we’ve created a culture that I’ve never seen, a microcosm of humanity’s hope for the future.

By the end of February, she had made it through Level V with only eight minutes to spare due to her group members’ fast and dedicated assistance. Paying Rachael back for all the hard work she put in with this one favour finally paid off and allowed me to go on Canada the High Five Tour. 

We had a 9-month-old toddler with a serious illness on the 29th of the month. I had been circling an empty parking lot for hours, sending text messages and making phone calls for an entire hour, hoping she might get some rest. In the end, it was only just two of my consultants and I who expanded on my plan together and made it happen. It was an indescribable [inaccessible] sensory overload. I was really happy about my team’s accomplishments, and I was proud of both of them.

Thanks to the High Five recruitment trip, Rachael was able to draw in other Independent Consultants from all over Canada to extend her sphere of influence. All of us went to San Francisco, so there were about 25 of us. We were close friends for many years, and I think that’s why I will be in touch with her even after this project is finished Rachael dedicated a significant additional time (rewarding, exciting, and exhausting) to her fitness and well-being as a means to finally achieving her goals in March 2016, but worked an additional (reward, thrilling, and exhausting) 30 hours per week as an RFX Runner to those ends in November of the same year.


How to build personal branding - women entrepreneurship

Rachael is now Reaping the Benefits of her Hard Work.

The single greatest thing that I want to do in this life-changing industry is to support others. However, the corporate side of things has done wonders for our family. The economy worked well for her husband as he was no longer required to waste time searching for jobs that would support their financial plans. By extension, to mark the gift of global travel as a memory. She then took her and her rainbow child, Sadie, to Australia to mark their two years of international travel with an underwater rainbow baby born in July named Sadie.

Rachael Johnson’s health took an abrupt turn shortly after we last spoke with her two years ago. Rachael was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder that caused excruciating symptoms. Dealing with the pain interfered with the quality time she spent with her four daughters, which bothered her. “I was so tired and sick that I felt there had to be more to this than what I had been diagnosed with.”

As Rachael tried to pinpoint the source of her increasing symptoms, she recalled a fellow Consultant’s personal success in removing her breast implants after experiencing similar symptoms. With this in mind, she wanted to look into the possibility of a further connection between her own breast implants and her symptoms. 

Making the brave decision to remove her own implants in the hopes of helping to ease her symptoms, fueled by the extensive studies she had conducted and the extreme effect the pain was having on her everyday life, and thankfully her path to recovery began.

As she recovered in the hospital, the love and encouragement she got from her Rodan + Fields group reminded her of how much kindness her company offered. “Everyone in the Rodan + Fields group was sending me love and light, and the energy I felt was incredible. 

While Rachael was in the hospital, she was still able to onboard new consultants. After that, getting back into the swing of things was such a quick transition.” Rachael spent the quality time she craved with her daughter’s thanks to a significant improvement in her symptoms and the flexible schedule of her R+F company. “I am willing to volunteer at my children’s schools, pick them up and drop them off, and be fully present when caring for them. That was not an option before this venture.”

Rachael is still the leading Consultant in Canada today. However, she is even more inspired to share the opportunity that her R+F company provided her with so that others can benefit from the community’s unconditional support. As an RFx Circle Leader, Rachael hopes to keep her title and enter RFX Circle 2020 by continuing to help her team as they work to achieve their business objectives. “I am more excited than ever about our next step of growth. 

The path to Women Entrepreneurship is you need to put in a lot of effort in meeting new people and engaging in more conversations. With what my Rodan and Fields company has been able to do for me, I know it is a blessing. I’m just excited to support others by sharing this company with as many people as possible.

How To Build Personal Brand – Characteristics that defined Rachael Johnson.

ACCESSIBILITY– Developing an accessible persona is rare and challenging. You will never know what the individual wants or needs without being accessible. When people know you’re always sensitive, opportunities can present themselves more frequently.

ATTITUDE – Showcase your abilities even though you don’t feel like it. 

It is necessary in good times and poor. The point is, you are the only one who cares about your issues. So show your best self”.

INTEGRITY – It is important to be truthful even though it is easier to lie. There are those people who prefer lies to the truth. Loyalty is part of honesty Credibility and trustworthiness are keys to brand growth.

WORK ETHIC – luck comes and goes. If you get the chance, work hard to keep good luck flowing. People would treat you better if they know you work hard.

OPENNESS – There are two kinds of people: those who extend their arms and hold their arms across their chest. Who would you like to do business with?’” Openness breeds trust and encourages relationships.” It would be best if you were open to fresh ideas and new experiences as a personal brand

APPEARANCES  –  Attention to your appearance; people will judge you on your content. They call you ultra-casual if you.”


That’s what happens in life. Some of your obstacles will look big and daunting, while others will seem small and insignificant. Focus on what you can control. There is a good chance that your worst moments—both good and bad—will teach you something about yourself personally and professionally. 

“You must have complete faith in yourself, this business, the products, and our Doctors. Say to yourself, “I am deserving of this, I can do this, I am doing this,” and then work hard. As all women entrepreneurs, we realise no magic formula for success in this market, but the mentality is essential.”

Rather than looking back on your life and wishing you could relive your worst moments, take the opportunity to learn and grow—for yourself and for the people who depend on you. 

There is an incredible opportunity for people who want to reach a larger audience in Canada. 

Hearing and meeting Rachael in New Orleans in 2019 had solidified my belief that this will also be my reality. It intrigues me a lot, thinking about what will happen in the next two, four, and ten years and for years beyond. I realise it will be a long time before I’m tired of this! The opportunity presents itself. I will create a charitable fund for our daughter in her name and give more as she grows. 


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